Nikita Yakovenko
Full-Stack Software Engineer
Nikita Yakovenko

I'm a web & software developer from Odessa, Ukraine. I have extensive programming experience and I'm comfortable developing on the back-end and front-end as well as setting up and managing infastructure.

I enjoy building everything from small business software to rich interactive web apps. If you are a business seeking a web presence or an employer looking to hire, you can get in touch with me there .

Last update: 7/9/2023
What's next?
2021 - Ongoing
Senior .NET Full-Stack Developer
I work as a key developer. I make technical and architectural decisions. I am responsible for the performance of the developed software and infrastructure.
2019 - 2021
Middle .NET Full-Stack Developer
I continue to develop my skills as a web developer. I participate in the creation of a large CRM system based on microservice architecture. I work as a full-stack developer to provide functionality and communication between the server and client parts.
2017 - 2019
Junior .NET Developer
First experience in the company. Development of large software. I work as a full-stack developer and support the product under development. Responsible for the software deployment process. I'm doing quality control on a Git repository.
2015 - 2017
Junior .NET & Java Developer
The beginning of a developer career. Creation of software for various industries, ranging from computer programs to mobile applications and Internet sites.
OPC Transmit
Application for collecting and processing data from OPC servers for further sending them to various databases for analysis.
.Net Core Vue.js OPC DA/UA support InfluxDB Apache Cassandra
Realtime converter
An application for converting data and transferring them in real time to external servers for further data processing.
.Net Core REST API Vue.js MultiThreading background worker Realtime connection WITSML
Own project
Site about me. Contains a list of my achievements and skills that I own. Ability to contact me.
Nuxt.js Vue.js Vue I18n Nuxt Content Vuetify Scrollspy SSR
Own project
Talksmi is a service designed to take the quality of your conversations to the next level. A large collection of interesting questions will help you learn a lot about the people around you and have a good time.
.NET Core MongoDB Redis Telegram Bot Nuxt.js Vue.js Vuetify Partial SSR
Plugin for integration with OSDU
Petrel is a software platform used in the exploration and production sector of the petroleum industry. Project was designed as plugin for Petrel software for creation integration bettwen it and osdu. OSDU stands for Open Subsurface Data Universe, it is a cross-industry collaboration led by Open group, to develop a common, standard based platform for Oil and Gas industry's E&P cycle.
.Net Framework Windows Forms Petrel software Ocean Framework (for plugin development) OSDU integration
Reservoir software
Software platform used in the exploration and production sector of the petroleum industry. It allows the user to interpret seismic data, perform well correlation, build reservoir models, visualize reservoir simulation results, calculate volumes, produce maps and design development strategies to maximize reservoir exploitation. Risk and uncertainty can be assessed throughout the life of the reservoir.
.NET Core Python AI Angular RabbitMQ MongoDB Docker
Own project
This is a collection of amazing events and daring ideas for people who love to experiment and are not afraid to surprise.
.NET Blazor (WebAssembly) Fluxor PWA Shared libraries MudBlazor MongoDB CI/CD Docker
State filings
Optimize state filings and bureau monitoring processes. Manage all filing projects, documents and their associated statuses in a single repository. Monitor, manage and assess the impact of circulars and bulletins that affect bureau-based insurance products. Track work flow, deadlines, and assignments across all active projects and filings.
.NET Framework/.Net Core Microservices architecture REST API Refit MS SQL Server Angular PrimeNG RabbitMQ Ocelot
Fleet management system
Dedicated services for the sale of cars, the conclusion of a contract with the tenant. Vehicle location tracking and vehicle status. Maintain efficient, timely and within budget fleet operations.
.NET Core Microservices architecture Angular Angular Material UI RabbitMQ Ocelot
Own project
This is an assistant in mastering new information. A service that allows you to learn everything you need and want to know
.NET Core Vue.js Multitier acrchitecture Vuex, Vue Router, Vuetify Partial SSR Realtime functionality (SignalR) Notification system MySQL / Dapper CI/CD
Event management system
Platform for organizing various events. Installed as a mobile application and allows you to interact with visitors and their needs.
.NET Сore REST API Communication with iOS app Single sign-on (SSO) Offline support MS SQL Server
Own project
When you need to find a good movie to watch. Someone is looking for the best pictures on IMDB or Kinopoisk, someone does not know what to do and watches the first movie that pops up. We have collected the best films in one place, and also made it possible to select the desired film using the Telegram bot.
.NET Core Vue.js Multitier acrchitecture Telegram Bot Mail reminder MySQL
New format for searching and ordering a room of interest to the quest was created. You no longer have to spend time on the open spaces of search networks to find what you need and register for a new order every time. All information is created in one application, where you can easily find a quest for yourself and your company based on any preference, and linking to personal data will allow you to book a room and time in just 2 clicks.
Android (Java) Firebase GIS Map QR Code Scanner Notifications Mobile authentication
Pharmacists CRM system
Platform which provide clients with a single end-to-end solution for all business requirements from speaker nomination and contracting through program execution and closeout, financial and attendee reconciliation, reporting and analytics, aggregated spend, and transparency reporting.
.NET Framework Multitier acrchitecture MVC5/REST API MS SQL Server Entity Framework Contract sign system Multilevel access system Logistics calculation process
Own project
It's a service wich can automatically post all content to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Delicious, FriendFeed, BufferApp etc. The whole process is completely automated. Just write a new post and it will be published to your configured social network account. Help to reach the most audience and tell all friends, readers and followers about new post.
.NET Framework Universal Windows Platform (UWP) XAML Third Party APIs OAuth
Own project
An exciting multiplayer quiz game in which you can compete with your friend on a variety of topics, from the Humanities and Exact Sciences to computer games and TV Shows.
.NET Framework XAML Windows Phone App Guided tour Advertising support
The Math
Own project
A game about four basic arithmetic operations. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division have never been so much fun! It's simple but fun! The game is perfect for improving your math skills! Challenging and earn a high score!
.NET Framework Windows Phone App Multilanguage Embedded purchases XAML Animations
Computer science - Master’s degree
2017 - 2018
Computer science - Bachelor’s degree
2015 - 2017
Computer science - Junior specialist
2011 - 2015
Contact Me
“When we are together, there is nothing we cannot achieve.” —Judi Dench
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